Monday, August 23, 2010

My Fresh Eggplant, Zucchini, Sweet Pepper, Mushroom Medley----Ratatouille...French/Italian Old World Entree.

olive oil
garlic 3 cloves smashed/chop
2 eggplants chopped
1 very large garden zucchini chopped or 5 zucchini & yellow squash combo
4-5 sweet pepper red/green sliced large
3 med yellow onions sliced
2 lbs. sliced fresh mushrooms
4 jars low carb marinara or
3 large cans Italian tomato sauce
1/2 cup finely chopped fresh basil leaves
few shakes of crushed red pepper
sea salt to taste
1 cup red wine chianti or Italian house red (I used fine homemade Italian
blend red wine)optional
handful of herbs d'provence (make sure it contains lavender)

In large dutch oven saute garlic in thin covering of olive oil in pot. Add chopped eggplant and zucchini slices and onion. Saute in oil till slight crisp brown.
Slowly pour over marinara or Italian tomato puree. Cover and simmer half hour. Add 1 cup of red wine (optional) and sweet peppers and mushrooms. Sweeten if you prefer with sugar or Nevella (stevia sugar free sweetener). Sprinkle with crushed red pepper very lightly, overnite pepper will intensify. Stir and cool overnite. Serve over pasta (whole grain preferably) or brown rice. Also good just by itself or with a crusty Italian bread. Sprinkle with Romano cheese or fresh fine shredded parmesan cheese.. More crushed red pepper tableside.

To create this dish French style I use herbs de provence and merlot wine.

I was introduced to Italian style ratatouille by my daughter's godfather's Italian mom and aunt who brought this similar recipe from Italy. I spent many nights observing them as they prepared different dishes from the old country this being a favorite. I changed it by adding the
wine and crushed red pepper. .Freezable.

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