Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Aunt Mickey's Chicken and Dumplings

One stewing or roasting chicken or 2 chicken fryers
carrots cut in chunks
celery sliced
onion chopped
can of drained peas

Place chicken in large dutch oven covered with water and simmer till chicken is cooked thru. Skim fat. Remove chicken and cool and set aside deboned chicken in a dish. To broth add as many carrots to your liking, few stalks celery sliced, and onion chopped. Simmer till carrot is crisp tender. Add little yellow food coloring if preferred and chicken bouillion cubes to taste.

In seperate bowl:
combine 2 cups flour
6 eggs beaten
2 teas. baking powder
dash of salt

Knead into a bowl and roll out thin. Do not dry noodles out. Cut into small squares. Add to 6 cups of the broth set aside from chicken. Simmer till dumplings are plump and taste test for doneness. Thicken broth with little flour and water if needed. Add reserved carrots, chicken pieces, celery, onion, and a jar of pimento slices (optional).

This is the recipe my cousins Judy and Joanne gave to me when I asked for my Aunt's recipe.
I am sure hers tasted so much more as the best, she had the special touch! We couldn't wait
till dinnertime, I remember my dad driving to Lincoln and every hour or so would mention how
he was looking forward to seeing his sister and her chicken and dumplings!

As I mentioned in my intro Aunt Mickey was head chef of the Heritage Inn in Lincoln, IL. The judges and lawyers in Springfield frequented the restaurant hearing of her marvelous dishes. With our big Irish clan at Thanksgiving one year in particular, I remember her serving
Thanksgiving dinner to us at the Heritage Inn, just too many of us...us kids thought that was the coolest thing...some of her recipes amost 40 yrs since she passed are still served at the Tropics Restaurant in Lincoln. Visiting my cousins some years past I was in awe as my cousin Judy brought me to the salad bar and hinted I should try some of the salads---I looked and there were her salads & dressings...

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