Sunday, February 13, 2011

Family Meatloaf Made Healthier

3 lbs. ground lean beef (80% lean or better)
2 lbs. ground chicken or turkey--chicken best
(Best of meatloaves have a mixture of beef and pork.
I prefer a healthier choice and to me tastier of lean
beef and ground chicken)
1 1/2 onions minced
3/4 lb of minced carrots
5 stalks celery minced
2-3 cups old fashioned oats
4 eggs

Chop veggies till almost minced in food processor. Combine in very large bowl, mix thoroughly. Place in one 9 x 13 pan and another large bread
rectangular pan for later freezing after baking. Bake 350 oven 2 hours.

One large bottle organic catsup
handful of dark brown sugar
2 Tablespoons mustard
1 teas. Worchestershire sauce

Mix topping ingredients. 15 minutes before ready to serve meatloaf from oven pour sauce
over top of loaves, bake another 15 min till set. If freezing meatloaf in rectangular pan, keep sauce separate.

Makes two large meatloaves---one to freeze after baking. I have always made two as my kids love it and it is a quick meal freezer to thaw to table
on a busy evening.

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