Sunday, January 9, 2011

Chili for a Crowd

3 lbs. ground lean beef (if prefer can use gr. turkey only,
I prefer the mix for better flavor)
3 lbs. lean ground turkey
2 16 oz cans tomato sauce
4 cans tomato soup
4 cans tomatoes diced with green chilies, zesty
2 largest cans pinto beans
1 large can kidney beans
4 pkgs chili mix seasoning
3 large onions chopped large pieces
2 bags Trader joes tri-color sweet peppers,
frozen and thawed
salt to taste
2 tablespoons cocoa
sugar sub to taste or little sugar

1 box whole grain elbow macaroni
tortilla chips
fat free sour cream
lite shredded Mexican cheese
sliced jalapenas
flour or corn tortillas

In large stock pot brown beef and turkey together. Drain in a collander, spray warm water over meat mix to get rid of hidden fat. Place back in stockpot. Add soups, tom. sauces, tomatoes with chilies, beans, seasoning chili mix and simmer 45 min. Add onions and simmer till softened, then add cocoa, salt to taste, 2 bags peppers, and sugar sub to taste. Simmer till heated through.

Serve with options listed.

Thanks to my pal Susan Riley who started this recipe and I made my own alterations.

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