Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Apricot/Apple Spiced Glazed Pork Roast

One 5 lb . rolled pork roast
16 oz chunky applesauce (unsweetened if poss.)
1/2 12 oz jar Smuckers sugar-free apricot or peach preserves
garlic powder
crushed red pepper few good shakes,
be careful or it will be to spicy hot
celery salt
minced onion (dried) or chop fresh grn onion
chopped parsley

Cover dusting generously with all spices except parsley. Place in crock pot. cover with jar of
applesauce, cover with spoonfuls of preserves, cover with more onion, top with parsley. Place
on low all day. Remove juices and place in small pot heat to boil. Mix 2 Tab cornstarch and 12 oz. cold water. Stir with fork to mix thoroughly. Pour mixture into slightly boiling juices and stir till thickened. Slice roast and serve gravy with roast. Add salt to gravy if necessary.

Serve with Italian bread, bread dumplings, potatoes, noodles....

This dish is my own composition.

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