Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chicken Arribiatta Cattiatori

6 lbs chicken boneless breast tenderloin pieces thawed
3 bottles of Arriabata Italian Sauce (Trader Joe's Brand)
1/2 bottle of Chianti wine
2 tab. sugar or Nevella equiv.
1 bag thawed frozen sweet peppers (Trader Joe's)
1 lb. portabella sliced mushrooms sauted litely in non-stick spray
3 sliced red onions
1 28 oz can diced Italian tomatoes
2 14 oz cans tomato paste

Place chicken breast in large dutch oven and brown in little olive oil. Add three
bottles of Arriabata sauce, 2 lg. cans tomato paste, diced tomatoes, 1/2 bottle less of good red wine (Chianti preferred) and cook low approx. half hour.
Add red onions and simmer covered another half hour. Add mushrooms, sw. peppers, and
sugar. Simmer 1/2 hour till flavors blend. Serve over pasta (I prefer a multi-grain) or just with good
Italian crusty bread.

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