Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Healthy Ricotta Penne en Casserole

2 boxes of Multi-Grain Penne, or preferred penne (sm. mostaccoli)
1 1/2 pkgs. hot Italian turkey sausage (must use hot), remove from casing if desired
4 jars 28 oz Prego Healthy Heart Marinara Sauce
2 onions chopped, saute with non-stick spray
2 cups fresh broccoli chopped tiny pieces
1 lg box sliced mushrooms litely sauteed
2 sweet red or grn pepper chopped large litely saute in non-stick spray or micro 40 seconds
lg. fat-free ricotta cheese
1 8 oz. pkgs of shredded Parmesan cheese
Litely fry sausage removed from casing in olive oil or cooking spray.   Cool and slice in small pieces.
Set aside. Boil water in large dutch oven and cook pasta a la dente. Meantime while pasta is cooking, chop broccoli, sw. peppers, 2 onions.  Litely spray with cooking spray very lg deep baking pan or 2 casserole pans. In a very large bowl litely toss pasta, sausage, 2 1/2 jars marinara sauce, veggies.  Place half of the pasta into the extra lg deep baking pan or two pans as a layer.  Drop by spoonfuls 1/2 container of the ricotta cheese to ea. pan of penne.  Repeat layer ricotta on top.  Pour 1/2 sauce over top of casserole. Cover with Parmesan cheese. Bake 400 degrees 45 min  till Parmesan and ricotta melts and check till hot and bubbly through. Cut into large squares or scoop large spoonfuls to plates. Serve last jar of marinara sauce heated on the side to top individual servings if desired. Parmesan and crushed red pepper, giardiniera on the side.....

Credit for this recipe is due to my friend/school chum Artie Quarto's original recipe. I have devised a health conscious multi-grain version with veggies and turkey sausage. Thank you again Artie! Please see Artie's
 blog for his original recipe....he is one excellent chef!!!!

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