Sunday, June 5, 2011

Italian Herbed Chicken and Roasted Vegetables

6-8 chicken breasts bonesless, skinless
any combination of vegetables---I used
zucchini sliced lengthwise
small red potatoes quartered
sweet peppers quartered
1 lb carrots cut tips off
3 red onions quartered
1 pkg mushrooms

1 lg bottle lite zesty Italian drsg.
3-4 cups sugar-free 7-up

Place chicken in baking dish lay flat. In separate dish place potatoes and carrots (longer cooking veggies). In 3rd dish place zucchini, sweet peppers, onions, mushrooms (veggies that cook faster). Mix Italian drsg and 7 up. Pour over evenly chicken, and each dish of vegetables.
Sprinkle ea. pan with oregano. Mix vegetable with oregano. Marinate overnite or 4 hours.
300 degrees bake chicken covered with foil and potatoes/carrots uncovered one hour. Turn oven to 450 to brown chicken slightly. Remove chicken from oven when litely brown and cover with foil to keep warm. Add third pan of veggies and roast uncovered 40 minutes till brown.
Can keep potato/carrot combo in oven if not quite brown and when brown remove from oven and continue baking third pan of zucchini/pepper combination till those are brown.
Heat marinade if too cool at serving.

This is delicious and low cal, low fat. Thanks to my coworker Patti for the recipe for the marinade. This has an almost sweet/sour taste with an Italian twist. This is unbelievably juicy for the chicken. My family went crazy for it.

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